Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Friends & one's Golden age

Yupp, Yupp, you are right, there are, as usual two posts today, so read on, enjoy.

Hmm, i really enjoyed my secondary and JC life, with all true friends around us, we will not need to worry that you might get stabbed in the back anywhere you walk; friends who are true, who are pure at heart, most importantly, freinds whom anyone can trust.

It got me into pondering about all these, on saturday night, when i met Hui Yee at Dolby Ghaut MRT station platform; i was on my way home from work. Seeing her let me thought of the times i was in my JC classes, the interaction between people of our ages then. Samanthia & Li Jia were also there, it was their secondary school class sort of mini gathering. Yee and i brought up a lot of other people's name, like Aloy, Val, Russ, Hailing, Daniel, Fanny, Victor, Ibrahim, Ashik, Jerome etc etc. We find out about each other's life, also about the people-that-we've-mentioned's life. I actually realised how thriled she was to see an old friend, and also how she responded to htis very old friend. How true, how pure the friendship of ex-classmates.

To be frank, i would really want to meet up with another old pal cum Metal Gear Solid fan cum partner. Edwin Kee. Where are you, man?? Hope to get in touch with you once your vacation starts. Really.

Alright, i'm hitting the bed, gonna go work tomorrow. See you at Orchard!


Yupp, as of that day, do not you people out there thinks that the Orchard incident is some sort similar to Happy Tree Friends. You know, good friends, then somehow, in the end, the body ends up in pieces. No offence to anyone.
I am now begining to see how adults behave, how different people treat other people in front and behind their back. Really experience the errieness of this whole behavior thing.

For those faint hearted, prepare for the bloody image.
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Human. Adult humans are masked creatures, i hope i will not grow up to become the beasts that i detest most. Dear God, guide my path in this influential society.

Monday, September 12, 2005


There are 2 posts today, read both! enjoy.

Orchard Road & Me

If you are reading this, it happened to be the third day in which the Fillipina maid's body was found. Orchard road and me. I work at orchard road. I did not expect to chance upon such raw stuff, except in the biology laboratory, in which we students cut things up. A head with long hair, in a red plastic bag, exposing the left ear. Beside it is a blue travel bag, unzipped, and also a blood stained newspaper.

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Well, 4 hours in the sun, i have to direct passer-by to use the Orchard MRT station underpass because the other underpass was being cordoned off. 4 hours in the sun, i have to respond to passer-by's questions on who, what, when, where, why, how.

I took MC the next shift,because of 4 hours in the sun and 1 wedding dinner, in which a colleague warned me about the food there. i went ahead with my plan to go to Creative headquarters in the morning with Aloy to get my cousin's Zen Micro repaired, and also to take a look at the sale there. Bought a Singapore design mouse, nothing else. Went to the doctor's later in the evening.

Great, my stomach still feels funny right now.Sigh.

Lonely, i am so lonely...

Being a Police National Serviceman , especially now, since i am working shift work. Good, i gives me freedom, but then so, it does not give me the opportunities to meet up often with my loved ones, people like good buddies from the JC/Secondary school, people like my brothers & sisters from church. i feel so empty when my off days falls on a weekday.i cannot ask them out. Either they are studying or in camp serving SAF/NS. Last tuesday ( i think), my father was gong to suntec, i thought why not i go watch my show and he would go do his stuff but by traveling the same way. i would wanna catch as it was going to stop showing soon. I called up my several friends, none of them can make it as they either required some rest or they are engaged in either working or still in campus. My father left the house first to go to hougang to pay some bills. He ask me to decide where i wanted to go, then give him a call. Subsequently, i decided to go to cathay to watch as i was not in time for the suntec's show. When i reached the bus stop, i told my father my decision, but after a while i got the "WHAT-THE-HELL-AM-I-DOING" feeling. i called up my father again and met him soon afterwards. We went to suntec in the end, done some window shopping.