Monday, September 12, 2005

Orchard Road & Me

If you are reading this, it happened to be the third day in which the Fillipina maid's body was found. Orchard road and me. I work at orchard road. I did not expect to chance upon such raw stuff, except in the biology laboratory, in which we students cut things up. A head with long hair, in a red plastic bag, exposing the left ear. Beside it is a blue travel bag, unzipped, and also a blood stained newspaper.

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Well, 4 hours in the sun, i have to direct passer-by to use the Orchard MRT station underpass because the other underpass was being cordoned off. 4 hours in the sun, i have to respond to passer-by's questions on who, what, when, where, why, how.

I took MC the next shift,because of 4 hours in the sun and 1 wedding dinner, in which a colleague warned me about the food there. i went ahead with my plan to go to Creative headquarters in the morning with Aloy to get my cousin's Zen Micro repaired, and also to take a look at the sale there. Bought a Singapore design mouse, nothing else. Went to the doctor's later in the evening.

Great, my stomach still feels funny right now.Sigh.

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