Friday, November 11, 2005

SsmackK!! Yum Yum!!

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Wow, i had a wonderful dinner just now.

Yum Yum! Really satisfactory. I went for a jog at around 1730, right after I put down the phone, talking to the telephone operator who took down my orders.She told me it would arrive in 30 minutes time, i told her it is okay, and thanked her.

It was quite some time since i went for a jog, thus i was feeling not up to it to finish my usual four rounds. So, after two rounds, i slowed down for my last two rounds. When i was about to finish my fourth round, I had an urge to push myself further; to train my stamina. Then I speeded up for another two rounds, finishing six rounds. Fulfilling.

I reached home at about 1830. My father was home already, my cousin and sister had their share of Pizza. We ordered the new triple cheese country pizza, one more Hawaiaan pizza, star shaped harsh browns, wings and nachos, that cost us $41.84 inclusive of GST. Haha.

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It was so tempting, see? The above pictures. Wow. Then after a jiffy, see the result, wah, so fast.

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Then after that, i was upfront the computer, uploading pics and blogging.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Yo you peeps out there, If you like good singing, and like to hear young people talking about meangingful ideas or principles in life, this is one production I proudly presents.

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Welcome to Revivre! "A Brand New You" is how it is translated into English.

You will get to see one talented young man, i personally call him Lei Gong. Haha, hope he do not get offended. His real name is Lei Shen Xiong. Well, he almost made it to become like the next David Tao, or the next Jay Chou, or the next Ah Do. But he gave up the chance to pursue a greater mission with his time to fulfil his purpose in Life.

I really hope you peeps out there can respond to this invitation.

Saturday, November 05, 2005



Merely was i greting a friend. Well, no need to get so uptight about anything.

Eh, and Hao Jie, you!

Going to have hotel duty later on. I will also be actually doing nothing, except keeping myself awake my means and ways, and also to be vigilant and alert to keep peace there. It is a security desk, what else do you expect. Yupp.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Quick update

Yupp, Aloysius, Daniel and me went to watch Flightplan after much ordeal. Haha. It was because, its either Aloysius or me who cannot seems to make the compromise to go to certain places or to do certain activities. So yesterday night, we came to no decision. But today, finally able to go out with some of my JC peeps.

Aloysius and me realised that one of us should get another of those cool jacket, we might be able to share it. We suddenly thought of sharing wardrode, because this way, we somehow could have double our clothings; things to wear, em, that excludes underwears! STRICTLY! Haha. And, oh, we realised that Daniel looked too good in uniform than the usual way he dresses. Well...

Hope to have more gatherings. Really!!