Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Rich man's illness.

Do you know that diabetes is A.K.A the "rich man's disease"? Why is this so. In the past, when new immigrants toiled and slogged hard in order to survive. Sometimes, some of them make the better of their abilities and got well off. Eventually, they would realised that they can now afford luxurious clothes, house, car and food. Good meat and nice deserts will be their meals. In time to come, actually very soon, diabetes will strike.

Devil in disguise.

After exams; after toiling and slogging hard for the Advanced levels examination, it was the time that our efferts paid off. We took the examinations and all of us breath our sigh of relief. Soon after, comes the break. What shall we do? what is there to be done? Am i still able to do it after such a long time, because i spent all my time studying?

Devil in dusguise

Sometimes too good a deal sounds good when one is longing for it. Like in my case: the break after examinations. But now i am spending my time quite aimlessly. I got not enough sleep in the night because the day is not productive; it does not make me exhausted. Come next day, i woke up, lertargic, because i got interupted sleep. Then i cannot spend the daytime properly or do the thing that i longed to do but is strenuous because i have got no adequate rest. I am then tired but not fatigue enough. So the cycle repeats itself.

The first hunt might have satisfy man initially, but man is, after all, greedy.

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