Sunday, May 29, 2005


Sigh.. I'm delayed again.

Last week. Ah, last week. Let me think.

Last week was quite an event filled week. Firstly, we, NPCOs, got to know our Final theory results on the same week (on friday) as we took it (tuesday).. Wow. Most of us passed! It was actually quite like a joke as the practice session was so tensed up because the instructors kept on saying how tough, how tricky the paper was, choose A, B, C or D booklet, Never take the E or F booklet. I got the E booklet, it was actually very easy, so i can imagine how the previous booklets would look like.

Another eventful situation, sort or rather related to the Final theory test. On the test night, F I Danil raided our barrack. Of course being old birdies of TraCom, we were taking matters into our own hands: bedframes with hangers/clothes, bed messy, shoes arranged atrociously.. worst of the worst.. my bedframe was shifted from my place to the front to join with my another 2 squadmates, it will book like 3 bedframes together, mine in the centre, except that my frame was a single frame, the side ones are double deckers. So, after his raid, he made wat it looks like a aftermath of a typhoon out of the barrack and made those who were not taking the test do PT. As we received the news just before we entered the testing ground, somehow it affects our feeling at that point of time. The next thing we knew, the next day, or Officer-in-charge, blew his top, and left the classroom. we never get to see him for the whole week after that, partly due to our actions, partly because he was also on course.

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