Thursday, August 02, 2007

Housekeeping 101

How to clean your fan.

1) Remove the front frame by un-clicking the clip holding the front frame to the back frame (it is found at the bottom edge), then unscrew the cap of the blades in a clockwise direction, then take out the blades, them unscrew the nut holding the back frame, then remove the back frame.

2) Bring the items to your cleaning ares, preferably your toilet or somewhere you have got a hose and a basin and a sponge. Oh, and water.

3) Use the wet sponge to clean both frames. Clean in a big circle around the surface of both the front & back of the front frame and both the front & back of the back frame. The dirt should and will come out all stick to each other, forming some sort of a string of threaded dirt. All the dirt in one line. How smart.

P.S. If you are using 3M product, the one with a green scrub surface and the yellow spongebob squarepants surface, use the yellow spongebob squarepants surface.


4) Rinse the cap and the nut. (The NUT, not YOURSELF!!)

5) Use the hose and spray onto all 4 items. Hold the frames at one edge, hold it up and spray water on it. Just spray the cap and nuts as you would spray anything else.

6) Give the frames a good beating, as if you are the nurse beating the bottom of a newborn baby, to shake off excess water.

7) Use a clean cloth to wipe off the water still clinging onto the surface of the items.

8) Put the back frame back first, then screw the nut back in a clockwise direction, then put the blades back, then screw the cap back in a anti-clockwise direction, then hook the front cover back and secure it.

9) Turn the fan on to see if it works (Yes! Turn it on).

10) Tell your parents that they do not need the maid anymore.

I hope enjoy your fan-cleaning process, do it often and you might get the hang of it. Do it regularly enough and your parents will start to ask you to clean the whole house.

For more housekeeping tips, please go through NS! Thank You!

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