Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Relive the moments

This is not an impersonation of an antelope. It has got to be at least a reindeer. Because of the antlers. Antelopes have horns. This was taken in IKEA the week before when I went there with Addison and Min Hui.

Moments like these. Captured on film (digital film here) are memories. Some of these memories that do not come by often. Fooling around, having fun. Harsher moments are harder to capture, but usually people would not want to remember those bad times. Who would keep an ablum of their family members fighting, pictures of yourself frustrated or loved ones in hospital beds? Not many. Relive the happy moments, nice photographs bring back happy memories. Relive the interesting moments, queer photographs made you wonder why you choose those as your picture's subjects/do those actions.

Back to the reindeer topic. Christmas is coming. Soon. Soon enough to start preparations. Start the preparations, any takers? Takers to participate. Participate in the Christmas Party? A Party that should make a difference. Differences between Christian and non-Christian? Christ.


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